Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Summer Party at Freeport Beach at 1PM on July 24th

I (Carl) just received this email from Bill Nesgoda:
Hi Carl,

Alice and I are wrapping up the details for July 24th party. Freeport beach in North East at 1 pm is the location. An email should go out in a few days with more details. Bill

The Passing of Aurora Yost

I just received the following email from Larry Yost:
Aurora passed yesterday evening June 28.  Thank you for all of your prayers......

Your friend, Larry
Thursday, July 1
Visitation: 2pm - 4pm & 7pm - 9pm
Amigone Funeral Home (716.836.6500)
6050 Transit Rd
Depew, NY 14043

Friday, July 2
Funeral Service: 9:30am
Our Lady of Pompeii RC Church
158 Laverack Avenue
Lancaster, NY 14086

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


This is an email that I received today from Larry Yost:
I will try to make this short. Some of you on this list know Aurora's condition and others may not. In summary, Aurora was diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastic Lung Cuncer the first week in April. Aurora has not responded to chemo or radiation treatments. As of today her body functions have started to shutdown and she probably only has a few days to survive.

Please say a prayer for her, if you wish, that her final days will be as painless as possible....

To my friends,
I know I can speak for the entire class when I say that we all offer blessings and prayers for Aurora, Larry, and their families.

Friday, June 11, 2010

More Ramblings

I understand where you're coming from, Stan. I also did not keep in touch with classmates very well through the years, and I'm sorry about that. Nita is the only one I stayed in touch with, and I didn't do that very well. I did go back to the 20 and 25 year reunions, then drifted off again. However, Carl reached out, and lassoed me back, and has created a monster. I've been on a mission to find the missing...it's funny how things come flooding back to you, as soon as one little memory creeps in. When I found Stan, I called his house, heard the voice on the recorder, and KNEW it was the right guy. While our faces may have changed, most of our voices have not. When he called me back, we found plenty to say, I think we talked for about half an hour! I think Bertie Beichner was a little freaked out when she got her message after 42 years. She said she couldn't imagine who would have known her maiden name. We had a good conversation, too. I know that there are some people out there wondering who the crazy lady is who has called them, because I'm not sure all the people I called, are the ones I was looking for, but we'll never know unless we try, right? My point in all this, is: if you'd like to speak to one of your old friends, call them, they would probably love to hear from you.

Frank, I'd have to agree with alot of what you said...I guess I'm too old to get "twitter". Why would others be interested in where I am at this moment and what I had for lunch? Okay, this is scary, I'm turning into my mother!

Hope to see you all at the birthday party!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Blathering from Stan

This is Stan Hilinski. You can check out my yearbook picture, and maybe you might remember me. So here's what happened. When I got out of high school, I spent 4 years at Gannon, then moved south to attend grad school at the University of Maryland. I spent 2 years there before I couldn't stand it anymore and got out with a Masters degree. I then went to work for NASA for the next gazillion years, mostly writing software to do with spacecraft. Somewhere around 2005 or so, I retired and here I am, never married, with 3 cats and living in Laurel Maryland, which is mid-way between Wash DC and Baltimore. That's the short version. Sometime maybe I will write the more colorful one.

I get back to Erie once in awhile. I still have family there, although both my parents are dead, and the land we owned is sold. My younger brother Carl lives just outside Winchester Virginia (110 miles from my door), and we get together at his house at the holidays. The last time I was in Erie was a few years ago for my Mother's funeral, and for a few years before, my friend Susan and her dog Katie (a nice german shepherd) would go up there to Presque Isle every September. It's a wonderful time to be there because the beaches are pretty much empty, which is great for the dog, and yet it's still pretty warm.

If you look at my picture in my profile, you will see I'm at the beach in Erie. You can't tell it, but I'm happy. What you can't see is there is a gigantic pit that the dog dug right beneath my feet. On the first day we got there, I had dug my feet in the sand and poked my toes out. Katie (the dog) went diving for them. For the rest of the week, she insisted on digging deep looking for the evil toe monsters. Oh, sure, I moved my chair, but she would just be back at it in the new spot. I have pictures of her with her eyes peaking above the hole. Eventually, the chair and I collapsed into the hole. Susan thought it was hilarious.

On one of my last visits, I decided to visit the old homestead where I grew up. My family lived on Buffalo Road right near 6-mile creek and next to the township buildings. We had an old farmhouse, a "chicken house" that turned into my Father's workshop, an old barn, and 100 acres of land. Yes, I grew up with pigs, chickens, and cows. I remember that Carl and I had to milk the cows every night up until my parents got rid of them some time when I was in high school. I could walk back of our property with my dog and go east through "wilderness" (not see a house or yard) and get to the high school in about 30-40 minutes. I remember a handful of times walking home from school following that route. I used to ride the bus, and I was always the last one on or off. When I walked home, I always got to my door just as the bus was passing by, so it never saved or lost me time when I did it.

The day I visited "home", I knocked on the door and explained myself, and the woman there said it was ok if I nosed about the grounds. My parents had torn down the old house and built a new one, but the barn and chickenhouse are still standing. A little girl who lived there let me into the chickenhouse, and then I wandered alone back to the old barn and beyond. Standing there on the hillside behind the barn, I was overloaded with memories -- my "circuit breaker" popped. My Father had put a mix of different colored shingles on the backside roof because he didn't want people from the road to see the color mix but he needed to use them up. They were still up there. Man, I drove cows through the lane there, and just over there I had found an edible mushroom the size of a big dinnerplate just after a rain storm. And right where I'm standing we used to go sledding. I reached down and picked up a nice stone from the hillside and stuck it in my pocket. I knew I was never coming back, and it was the only connection I'd have to this place. I still have it -- my good luck charm.

When I left high school, I did not keep in touch with anyone. Same goes for when I left college. It was always new friends. However, throughout the years, I did run into old 68 Harborcreek grads, some in strange places. When I went to Gannon, I remember seeing Cathy Ganzer, and I think Lynn Mack was there too. I remember one day when I went down to the lounge and Lynn said: "You just missed Anne Shade! She just now walked out the door!" Well, I just sat there like a lump, and to this day I wished I had chased after her and dragged her back for awhile. What a dope.

Then a few years later, I went to Our Lady of Mercy Church with my parents, and I ran into Art Churchill in the parking lot. He was dressed in a uniform and I believe he was in the state police force. It was really nice talking to him, and he was really charming.

After I was in Maryland, a couple times when I returned, I drove out to Mazza's vineyard and talked to Bob Mazza and Gary Mosier. It was great. Gary and I go back to first grade, and I hated it when I heard he had died. He had a really good soul even back at old Central School. You could tell even then.

Then sometime much later (early 80s maybe or very late 70s), I was in this bar (the Town Hall) in College Park Maryland, and in walks Sandra Gest with her boyfriend. They were going from somewhere to somewhere and just happened to stop in for a few minutes. This was a Coincidence with a capital C I remember her boyfriend saying "Boy! You two probably have lots to talk about!" We both looked at each other, laughed, and said "no, not really." It wasn't said with malice, it was just the way it was.

The next one is a puzzler because I think I might have dreamed it. I have this idea that one time I ran into Gig Westland under similar circumstance to my Sandy Gest encounter. I think the fact that she was standing next to her "boyfriend", a tall, purple-skinned creature, should be the tipoff it was a dream. Ok, I'm kidding. There was no purple creature, but I still don't remember if I ran into her or not.

And lastly, a few years ago, I exchanged emails with Bradley Bole. He had tracked me down from Florida, where I believe he is a lawyer. When Beth called me to find my lost soul, I tried to email him, but it bounced. However, he's still down there; I found him doing some searches. Maybe I'll call him.

Sadly, we have gotten to an age where I don't recognize anyone anymore. I sometimes wonder if I've ever sat in a doctor's office or airport, and the person next to me might be someone I used to know. I remember when I looked at the photo of the last reunion, I asked myself "Who ARE these people?!" Funny thing is I could have gone to the last reunion. I was in town on an emergency, and I considered dropping in even though I hadn't registered. I didn't, and I think I goofed. What a dope. Cripes, I have rattled on long enough. Bye, now.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Mary Ann Bandur Alphin Here.
Another mile stone has come to pass... our first grandson, (JJ) Jonathan Nicholas Michael Connor was graduated yesterday... Clear Spring High School, MD. Brings back memories of his growing up and all the places he traveled with us and in his own activities. Now off he goes... His Mother, our oldest, Susan is still amazed how time flew by. She has a 7 and 6 yr old at home yet.... so another 10 years or so to go. Working a full time Job, and children, she will be busy for a long time. What AM I saying !!! so will we...grandparenting is being on call many times.
Last nights graduation, also reminds me of the high school years at good Old Harborcreek. This commencement, we had a great seat near the front /center and the new camera was getting a work out. The next high school graduations will include Pauls daughter 6yrs.old.
After this, it will be stories of JJ's reunions in a few years. Maybe they can start milestone birthday picnicks.

Southern Belle

Dear Classmates,

I am sending this on behalf of Christine (McBride) Seblink. Chris has always been somewhat reticent to talk about herself. Yet, I can tell you how much she has enjoyed reading the blogs and e-mails. I have suggested to her that she should post a reply. She says, "I will" but has not to this point. So, I thought I would send along a hello and update on Chris.

We moved to Atlanta, Georgia back in 1984 in conjunction with a new job assignment I received with the then Hammermill Paper Company. As a sun worshiper, Chris has really enjoyed the South! Chris has worked for the Gwinnett County School District since moving to Georgia. Presently she is a Payroll Specialist in the HR department; a job she enjoys very much. The only problem with still living in Georgia is that grandma is too far away from her five grandchildren. And, the only problem working for the school district is that no vacations are allowed in August and September for all in the HR department. Thus, she has missed the opportunity to attend most of her class reunions. Once retirement comes, we will rectify both regrets.

Our oldest daughter Tammy lives in Weston Connecticut with her husband Rob and their two daughters Madison and Abigail. Madison is four years old and Abby will turn two in July. Our youngest daughter Stephanie lives in Butler, Pennsylvania with her husband Steve and their three children. Lillian is the oldest at ten years old, Bryce is seven and Evan is five. All are doing well, especially the grandchildren who absolutely love how grandma spoils them!

This will probably get me in some 'hot water' but I thought is was appropriate to send along a toast to the Class or '68 and a toast to turning 60 from Chris. Here is to all of you from a 'Southern Bell' with a mint julep!

All our best wishes,
Chris and Steve

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Well, obviously that first posting worked. No more for now, I am hungry, probably gonna go find another Applebee's and eat some more lousy on-the-road food. Sorry to bore you all, but at least now I know I can do this. Someday I will make it into the 21st century, but for now I am comfortable living in the past. Hope everyone is doing well, can't make it to Erie for 60th birthday party, cause I am only 59. Will be in Erie over July 4th weekend, a whirlwind weekend as my and my wife's immediate family have never seen our grandchildren, so my daughter and 2 babies are coming with us so we can show them off. I am sure I will not be seeing you (as if anyone cares), but my thoughts will be with you.
Don't even know if I am doing this right. Don't know a computer from an IBM selectrix. Only have one cause I have to. Do not own a Blackberry. Don't twitter tweet text or anything else. My record player at home and my factory installed 8 track player in my car work just fine. Might someday upgrade vehicle with one of those new cd players, maybe. Still have super 8 movies of my children, grainy, but include sound. My 25" Magnavox COLOR TV used to work fine, but in the last year since they switched to digital, doesn't work as good. Gonna have to figure that out someday. Don't need a VHS system, certainly not a DVD, whatever that is. What I am saying is: if you can read this post, good for you, if you can't, I don't care. I don't even know why I am doing this, except I am sitting in another faceless hotel in Boston and got nothing better to do at this moment. If I find this comes out OK and posts on the blog (whatever that is) properly, maybe I'll send a more serious blog next time I am bored. But don't expect to see pictures of my smiling (handsome) face, cause my Polaroid camera is out of film and I don't know where to get more. And even if I could, how the hell do you get that on a computer?

Random thoughts

Wow, what a great weekend for the Harbor Creek blog! It was awesome to get news from so many classmates.

First, Larry, I am so sorry to hear the news about your wife. She will be in my thoughts, although I've never met her. Please remember to take care of yourself, too. Caregivers often forget about themselves, but you need to stay stong for her sake as well as your own.

Ann, I have to admit that when I heard you were in the military, you could have knocked me over with a feather (albeit, a big feather). It has been really interesting to hear where we have all ended up...not exactly what we expected all those years ago. Congratulations on a successful career, serving our country!

Tom, I'm sorry you never made it to the pros, but it looks like you had a great life anyway. Don't pick on your wife for being from Pittsburgh...GO Steelers!

Chuck, you are correct, freedom isn't free, so thanks to all our vets and current service personnel, for a job well done. I have a very good friend who is on his way home from a year in IRAQ, right now. He should be home on Saturday, providing the volcano in Iceland doesn't decide to keep him in Europe a while longer. Bob(my friend) spent the last year teaching the Iraqi's to fly their Russian made helicopters. He has some wild stories...

If anyone has kept in touch with other classmates through the years, please ask them to contact Carl or myself, to be sure they are on our directory. Or you can send their info to one of us and we'll contact them. We don't want anyone who can be found to miss being invited to join the blog or come to the birthday party!