Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Random thoughts

Wow, what a great weekend for the Harbor Creek blog! It was awesome to get news from so many classmates.

First, Larry, I am so sorry to hear the news about your wife. She will be in my thoughts, although I've never met her. Please remember to take care of yourself, too. Caregivers often forget about themselves, but you need to stay stong for her sake as well as your own.

Ann, I have to admit that when I heard you were in the military, you could have knocked me over with a feather (albeit, a big feather). It has been really interesting to hear where we have all ended up...not exactly what we expected all those years ago. Congratulations on a successful career, serving our country!

Tom, I'm sorry you never made it to the pros, but it looks like you had a great life anyway. Don't pick on your wife for being from Pittsburgh...GO Steelers!

Chuck, you are correct, freedom isn't free, so thanks to all our vets and current service personnel, for a job well done. I have a very good friend who is on his way home from a year in IRAQ, right now. He should be home on Saturday, providing the volcano in Iceland doesn't decide to keep him in Europe a while longer. Bob(my friend) spent the last year teaching the Iraqi's to fly their Russian made helicopters. He has some wild stories...

If anyone has kept in touch with other classmates through the years, please ask them to contact Carl or myself, to be sure they are on our directory. Or you can send their info to one of us and we'll contact them. We don't want anyone who can be found to miss being invited to join the blog or come to the birthday party!

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