Friday, May 21, 2010


Great to hear from Chuck Maille in the previous post.  Thanks, Chuck!!

Okay, the rest of you.  It's time to post!  We want to hear from you.  It's rather painless, in fact I will go so far as to say, it's quite pleasant!  All it takes is a little courage and a little time and a little love.

I'll prove to you it's peasant.  Look at my blog here and see how much I love it!

Do it for the class, do it for 1968, do it for yourself.  Just do it!  (I sound like a fundraiser for'd think I was making money doing this, but it actually costs me money to pay for the website domain name....but I do it for old-times-sake, for 'the memories', and because Harborcreek High School is worth it!!)

Okay, I'm going to lay a little guilt-trip on you. You simply can't be busier than I am right now. Mary Beth and I are in the process of finishing up at our church of 4 years, packing up our worldly goods to move 40 miles up the road to Greensboro by June 18th, renovating our house in Greensboro (traveling there several times a week to meet with contractors), looking for appliances and furniture since we have none (been living in parsonages, you know), establishing banks, doctors, utilities in Greensboro, getting Mary Beth a teaching job (traveling to interviews, etc.), going to good-bye gatherings at our church, and planning a reunion for my Lindquist family in Pennsylvania in July. And I'm sure I left some things out!

In other words, you can't possibly be busier than I am!  So if I can find the time and energy to post on this class blog (as well as create it!), you can too.

Post.  I'm on my knees, beggin you please!!  (Not really.)


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