Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Something from the Incomparable Cheryl Nye

Hi Classmates,

Okay that's it. I am going to start my own Class of '68 blog. On this blog you can say whatever the hell you want. I won't edit a thing (except maybe some of Clark Buller's anal retentive bullshit. I love you Clark, but ... or is it butt...and no, actually I would not take your comments off either and I liked the boat email you sent; and after my last input, I am the pot calling the kettle, whatever...) But, I wouldn't make fun of Beth, either. If I had my red pen I problably would have excluded that comment from you know who... I know that this is likely to create a schism among us since some of us don't mind being gagged and censored and then there are a few renegades like myself that bristle at the very thought. Well, actually you are probably better off going on Carl's blog because I am too lazy, disorganized and frankly not as motivated to create one. So thank you Carl.

Remember the kid in dodgeball who finally got the ball and then held on to it... We need to loosen up. Breathe as it were. We are entering our golden years where words like flaccid, saggy, and "early bird" become part of our everyday vocabulary and control is something that should be focused on our bowels and bladders, not our blogs. I think the independents should unite before this takes on its on life and destroys us. (Okay that was over the top.) Back to work. One more quick thought, no one gets to sell products that their kids make on my blog, bragging is otherwise allowed and encouraged.


PS Carl pull it back or I'm going to tell everyone and not just my friend Nita about your problem.

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