Monday, May 3, 2010

Update from Carol Gwin Johnson

This came from Carol Gwin Johnson:
Carl, as promised I am sending the info you requested. By the way...........great job on the website, although I still haven't been able to open the directory link. I'll try again at another date. Yes, I think it would be a good idea to have a reunion everyone could afford so more would come. I'm disappointed I didn't make it to the 40th but we made our vacation plans to Erie before I found out about the reunion and missed it by only a week. I hope next time I get an invitation.

I love the pics from the 40th, do we really look that old?.......LOL
married 42 years to Jim Johnson
son Brian, age 39, married, 2 boys, live in Gilbert, AZ
daughter Lori, age 36, married, 1 boy, 1 girl, live in Dallas, TX

In our married life we have moved 15 times.......whew!

Norfolk VA, (U.S. Navy days)
Erie, PA
Lake City, PA
Tampa FL
Garland TX
Arlington TX
Orlando FL
Kennesaw GA
Allen TX, and staying put until Jim retires.

That's about it for now, Carl,
Take care,

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