Thursday, May 6, 2010

Repost of Life Update from Cindy MacTaggart Rogers (2/7/09)

 A reposting of a Life Update from Cindy MacTaggart Rogers (2/7/09)....Carl:
David is still working in management for an electronics firm and I am in my 32nd year of teaching (8th grade English, Literature, and Writing).Though our son Jon has been re-called to active duty-his wedding in Savannah is still going to be in March (over St. Pat's week-end). He will be married to a lovely young lady by the name of Courtnie (who is a secondary English teacher-and a Georgia native). Jon was an Army Airborne Ranger-he decided to enlist, and was sworn in 1 week after graduating with an engineering degree from Rochester Instit. Of Tech (RIT)...We are glad he is back on "safe" ground for the time being! He is presently a design engineer for GE Erie. Prior to pursuing her doctorate at Univ. Of PA (Phila.), our daughter Jennifer worked for the Holocaust Museum in DC (she also worked as a part of the Presidential Holocaust Advisory Commission during Pres. Clinton's admi n.) while in school she will be retained by the Museum as a consultant.

God Bless!
Cindy MacTaggart-Rodgers

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