Monday, May 3, 2010

Update from Cheryl Nye-Lopez

Update from Cheryl Nye-Lopez:
Hi Classmates,

At the risk of participating in transforming this into some weird Stephen King kinda whacko website, I do appreciate the preventative info from Ken. Now, my near death experience. My cousin had his bowel punctured during a colonoscopy. Damn near died. Freaked me out and I refused for a number of years to have the procedure done. Simply because of the persistent haranguing of my doctor five years later, I agreed. Half way through the prep I made up my mind I wasn't going to go through with it, but to avoid further harassment from my doc I continued. Had the colonoscopy and they discovered that I had the fastest growing precancerous polyps known to humankind. They painlessly burn them out annually and I look forward to a wild and wonderful fast-tracked future.

Good luck Ken. I await your monologue at our 80th class reunion. Smart move on your part.

By the way... if anyone is going to talk about their prostate or clipping coupons, please forewarn me.
Warm regards,

1 comment:

Debbie Przybyszewski-Hause said...

Hi Everyone,

Looking forward to our 60th Birthday Celebration.

Debbie Przybyszewski-Hause