Thursday, May 6, 2010

Posting Life Updates

I hope you don't mind that I've gone ahead and reposted a number of what I'm calling 'Life Updates' that classmates sent in over a year ago.  They didn't get out to everyone who's currently viewing the blog, so I thought people would enjoy the interesting stories of our lives found in these updates.  Thanks to everyone who took the time to send them in.

And remember that you can see all of the posts at any time by just scrolling down to the 'Archive' on the lower left side of the blog, and then clicking on any post there to bring it up to read.  Then after reading it, you can just click on the Blog Title--'Musings and Memories from '68' up at the top, and it takes you back to the full blog, updated.

A blog is a wonderful thing.  I can't believe how early I'm up today...couldn't sleep.


1 comment:

Patti Rodland Myers said...

Okay Carl, don't nag!!! I have updated my profile and put a picture on of Chuck and me with our four grandsons taken at Easter in Bedford County PA.
Weather is dreary in the 'Creek today and supposed to rain and get colder for the weekend.