Thursday, May 6, 2010

Repost of Life Update from Ken Henry

This is a reposting of a Life Update from Ken Henry (2/8/09)....Carl:
It’s is a beautiful day here in sunny Cincinnati Ohio. I have almost live here as long as I lived in Erie. I live in a small but comfortable home 1 mile from my office. My wife of 21 years, Emily teaches theology a Xavier University. I has two knock out daughters one 20 and one 17. The youngest is a senior in high school, most likely off to the university on Indiana in Pre vet. My oldest in a sophomore at Xavier in nursing. I have a 5 year old lab and enjoy all kinds of music, mostly stolen from my kids. Cold play is paying as I type. I own an insurance agency and sell Erie insurance, but I do not want to get too far ahead or myself.

(After high school) I graduated with no honors from Penn state with a degree in Finance. it took me 4 1/2 years even with help from my sometimes roommate Frank Diramio. 1973 was a crap year to find a job and with big hair a golden brown 3 piece corduroy interview suit, I was not hired. My friend Rick Arpin got me a summer job working for the Township that lasted 3 years. I loved punching in a 7:30 and out at 4:30 no cares, no
worries . it was a good life or sex, drugs and rock and roll, minus the sex and drugs. It took the township 4 dump truck transmissions to find out I could not drive a stick, it was time for grad school. I went to Gannon and no kidding a graduated with a 3.92 GPA. The highest in Gannon MBA history. That and a quarter got me a cup of coffee, but no job.

I was finally hired at GE in their financial management training program and was trained to do what I liked to do, manage numbers, but also what I hated managing people. 5 years in Erie and I was packed up and shipped to Cincinnati for a player to be named later. 10 years at Ge aircraft engines Cincinnati and I was told to more to an new Ge location or Bye bye.

I took their money and trained myself in insurance. My office has a bay window to the world and joggers and runners pass by 365 days a year.

I really enjoyed speaking at the class reunion. I wrote the talk no less than 20 times be for I got it right, 2 hours before show time. The funniest thing was that most people laughed at what they thought was ridiculous made up stories. 89% was true and the other 11% probably was true but I have not been able to prove it yet.

Ken Henry

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