Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hello from Anne (Shade) McKinney

Greetings, classmates, and Happy Memorial Day! I haven't seen most of you in many years - hope to reconnect this summer at our 60th birthday party. A brief personal update since 1968 follows:
One of the things I wanted to do "when I grew up" was to see the world, and I have spent about ten years living abroad. I graduated from a Belgian university, spent several years in Europe while my husband (a Navy carrier pilot) was deployed in the Mediterranean, and I was stationed in Japan for three years and in England for two and one-half years. I've also lived in Colorado, California, Washington state and Alexandria VA, where I am living today. After high school, I continued singing and playing guitar, and added acting, directing, dancing and modeling in my college/postgraduate years and a few years after that. In my mid-20s, I switched gears and worked as a CCU nurse in a small hospital on an island in Puget Sound. Nursing was not for me, however, and I only lasted a couple of years in that career. When the American Embassy in Tehran was overrun in 1979 , and Americans were taken hostage, I decided to see a recruiter, became a Space and Electronic Warfare Line Officer in the Navy, and completed a twenty year career in 2001. I had two communicatons commands and worked in Strategic Intelligence, Space and Sensor programs. From Flower Child to Commander - what can I say?!? Since I've retired, I've taken up golf, and I'm doing things that I couldn't do while I was working - educational, service, social and fun things.
Dana retired from the Navy in 1997 but is still working and has his own consulting firm. He works on missle defense and aviation projects, and he advises heads of businesses and government agencies.
My Mom died in 2002, and my Dad and several siblings are still in the Erie area, so I visit from time to time. Priscilla (Moorhead) White is still a great friend, and we get together often during my visits. I hope I can make the July event - thanks for planning it!