Friday, May 7, 2010

The Cat and the Fox

Ok, I'm here, today. The problem is that I actually have some work to do for a change! That's what I get for spending the whole day, yesterday, looking up missing classmates. I spoke with Bill Patterson and Kathy Snyder Hall, and have sent them the info to get into the class website and the blog.

Yesterday we finally got the air conditioning fixed at the house... it was only 4 days, but we were over 90 a couple of them, so it felt like a month. I'm in the wrong line of work...3 hours, $850! Ouch!

My cat stared down a fox in the front yard the other we are not letting him out that much. He's 18 and still thinks he's the king of the hill. He's also not as big as he was in younger days. I don't want him trying to take the fox, the fox would win! We have a group of 4 deer who are grazing in the front yard, pretty regularly now. They are such beautiful animals! I just hope they leave my 2 ornamental trees alone. I have given them the wild apple tree, for years.

Oh well, back to work!


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