Monday, May 3, 2010

Update from Cindy MacTaggart Rodgers

This came from Cindy MacTaggart Rodgers:
Hey Carl--and-classmates!

Thanks for all the up-dates! Good luck Ken-you will be in our thoughts, prayers and best wishes! Remember--60 is the new 40(!)

David and I will celebrate 36 years of marriage this summer...We spent this past week-end in Philadelphia to proudly (and humbly) watch our daughter, Jennifer, successfully complete her oral comps (for her doctorate) at the University Of Pennsylvania--now onto the written dissertation. Our son Jon is a mechanical engineer for GE Erie.AND might I also add that they would NO DOUBT be beyond irritated at me for even mentioning any of the previous info...However-as my 8th graders would say, "WHATEVER!" Speaking of which, I have had the true pleasure of teaching for almost--wait for it--33 years! A true joy has been to have had several former classmates children and (gulp!) even a few grandchildren!

David is doing consult work for a company that makes helmets for the NFL--he also recently completed a 50k run and is on to a 100k in October! I think I am making the earth move each day as I do my hour long walk/bike ride--LOL!
Know that it is truly wonderful to hear from and about former classmates-AND-it is even nicer that people are making the attempt to stay connected --Muchas Gracias most sincerely to Carl for being the springboard for ALL that...

A 60th birthday BASH would be amazing-I am "in" if there is a need to get the party started.

Warm Best Wishes-AND-Good Health To All
Cindy MacTaggart Rodgers

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