Sunday, May 30, 2010

Prayers Welcomed....

It has been a challenging last two months. My wife, Aurora, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Lung Cancer in early April. Prognosis is not good. She started chemo and radiation treatments about three weeks ago. My time has been consumed by taking care of her and running from medical appointment to medical appointment. She is in much pain and has a difficult time moving around since the cancer has entered her bone structure, specifically her pelvis, back, and legs.

I hate to be bearer of bad news on a Holiday Weekend, however Aurora could use any prayers you might wish to make to help her get through the pain and these difficult times.

Thanks...... Larry


Janelle Monoski (King) said...

My prayers are with Aurora and yourself!

Anonymous said...

Please know that our thoughts and prayers are indeed with Aurora and you-as you navigate through this most difficult time...
God Bless You Both...
Cindy & David R...

Lynn said...

Aurora will be in our prayers and I'll add her to the prayer chain - transcontinental prayers! And prayers for you as well to keep your strength and positive energy for her. I so enjoyed talking with her at our 40th.

Priscilla Moorhead White said...

I'm so sorry Larry. Rex and I will be praying for you and Aurora and your family too!

Chuck Maille said...

Debbie & I will be praying for you and Aurora and your family.

tomheinrich said...

Same here Larry, I am dealing with health issues with both parents (90 & 86) and it's only love that gives the strength to fight the fatigue. You both will be lifted up in our prayer time.