Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hi from S. Texas (Chuck Maille)

It is really neat to read the postings. I have passed the 60 threshold already and am amazed how quickly all this time has passed. The picture in my profile is me with my grandson Thomas, who will be 2 at then end of the month. A short summary: Married to Debbie Lucas (Newark, Oh) 37 yrs. 3 children: Heather, Gordon, Mike, 5 grandchildren: Kevin, Alison, Philip, Natalie, Thomas. Have lived in south Texas since 2001 – location is just outside of San Antonio. I am currently doing IT for a non-profit. Debbie is an RN working pre-op at a specialty hospital. Since leaving HC, I (we) have lived in MD, OK (2 places), KY (2 places), MI, TX. Whew! More moves than I really wanted.
Getting older does have those wonderful health issues that come up. At my physical a year ago in January, I was told that my EKG was not quite right. After several tests the specialist did a 'look=see' with a camera. He was ready to do a heart catherization … thankfully, nothing was found.. no blockage of any kind anywhere. But it was a very stressful time.
I do hope many more posts will be made... Thanks, Carl for setting this up.
If you come to San Antonio, give us a ring.
Chuck Maille

1 comment:

Carl Lindquist said...

Thanks for posting, Chuck!