Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Misc. Update from Carl

This is an updated email that I sent out recently to those classmates whose email I have--Carl:
Hi all! It’s been a while since I emailed you, and I’ve added some names receiving this. As you know, to honor all our privacy, I’m keeping your emails private and hidden on this email. I guess it would be helpful to know if you’re okay with having your email appear on the class directory on the website (and other places). If you’d give me that permission, please just respond to this email, with a ‘yes, I’m okay with my email being on the website’ or ‘no, I’d rather keep it private’. Thanks so much.

I appreciate Beth Whitten Swoap helping me so much with this project of a website (and now blog) that I embarked upon several years ago now, right after the last reunion. She’s really interested in it all and doing a great job. Thanks, Beth!! We’re doing all of this over the internet, I’ve just talked to her once by phone. Isn’t it amazing?!

Bill Nesgoda and planning committee told me yesterday that the ‘Class of ’68 Summer 60th Birthday Bash’ (I just made that up) is going to be held on Saturday, July 24th. So save that date!! They continue to look for a location for the party, and we’ll let you know the details when they’re decided upon. We hope to see a lot of you there (I’m coming, in all my glory!)

I hope you’ve looked at the blog recently. Beth and I (and a few others) are blogging furiously, but we could use your help. Please contribute, and that will keep it interesting and alive. Thanks!!

My wife Mary Beth and I are in the process of moving over the next three weeks, so I’m going to be a little scarce here and on the blog. We’re moving up to our house in Greensboro, NC, and have to be out of our parsonage here in Lexington by June 18. After that, I’ll be on sabbatical leave for a year (yippee!) and working as a househusband (boo!!). Mary Beth has, by hook or by crook, secured a teaching job in Guilford County, so we’re on cloud 9 about that.

Take care everyone!!! See you this summer at the party!!


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