Thursday, May 6, 2010

Repost of Life Update from Frank Diraimo (2/4/09)

I'm reposting this Life Update from Frank Diramo of 2/4/09....Carl:
I "left" the Erie area in spring 1986 and have never looked back. I "go home" 2-3 times a year to visit family/relatives, attend weddings, funerals, etc (more and more funerals it seems). Life is good, but continues to be challenging. I am a "salesman", but if you were to ask me what I sell, in today's economy, the answer would be "nothing, what do you want to buy?".

Living in the Baltimore area allows me to remain close to those still in Erie, but I am able to keep my distance when I want to. Sometimes I wish I was closer, especially to show off my 14 month old grandson. My daughter (Angie) tells me that number 2 is on the way, due in August. Can't wait. She named her first son Leo, so I told her if she has another son, she should name him Davinci, she says no, and says I am stupid!!!! Can you believe it?

Her married name is Buono (she married Victor Buono's nephew, if you remember that actor from the 60's-big guy, friend of Sinatra's, among other movies, was the father in Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte). So anyway, my wife (Elaine) told her to name her second
son Sonny, then he would be Sonny Buono. My daughter thinks my wife is stupid too!! (I love teasing my kids, that's why I had them.)

Bought a new home last fall, a ranch. Wife says that we are getting too old to run up and down stairs all day while holding babies at the same time. For the first time in her life, she was right. Unfortunately, we bought it 2 months after she lost her job, gas prices were still high, the economy was tanking, and interest rates were still high. Fortunately, we priced our house to sell, sold it in 4 days, and closed within the month. Hated to not get what we felt the house was worth, but what are you gonna do?

Son (Frankie) lives in Philly area with his wife, but no kids yet. He wants one (so he says), but his wife isn't ready. She is 29, he is 30, so I guess they can wait a little longer.

So that's about it for me. Sorry to bore you all with details of my life, but I figured I better get Carl off my back.

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