Monday, May 3, 2010

Update from Ken Henry

This came from Ken Henry:
Hi Carl, ken henry here, with some new heart health news for you to pass on if you like.

I just hit 60 a month ago. As part of that change I scheduled a complete physical, including complete blood work and a quickie EKG. While waiting for the results to come back, (it took 3 days) I saw a commercial on TV from a local hospital. They were rolling out their new 320-slice heart CT scanner , Its can take a 3D image of your heart in 1 second with 90% less radiation that the prior model. I call and for a $300 intro price I scheduled for yesterday (Friday)..

My blood work came back from my Dr and my cholesterol jumped from 191 to 214. I am not on any cholesterol medicine us trying to eat right. We were considering a cholesterol lowering medicine. 3 hours after the heart scan I received a call from the cardiologist who read my scan. 70-90% blockage in my main artery. ( called the widow maker). Holy carp or is it crap. I have been feeling fine, no shooting pain in my arm or leg or an elephant sitting on my chest. I am maybe +5 pounds overweight, but my dad had a heart attack at age 52 and my mom and one grandmother at age 65.
I am having a low key weekend, on a blood thinner and beta blocker to keep my heart slow. I meet a cardiologist Tuesday and make a plan.

Sorry Trixie, but this is was the best $300 I ever spent. If you have any worries about your heart or family history, Google” 320-slice CT scanner” and get more information on it. ( probably not covered by insurance. I did not get paid to tell you this)

Wish me luck.

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