Sunday, May 30, 2010

The guy you didn't know

my fault of course...I wanted to play baseball and nothing was going to get in my way. The simple fact that I graduated at 128 lbs at 6'0" may have had something to do with the fact my beloved Cleveland Indians and ALL the other teams weren't interested in signing me.

Oh oh! Now I'm out of high school and I haven't a clue of what I want to do when I grow up. My uncle was looking out for me fortunately. He gave me a number.....64......and three months later I was finally drafted. Fort Dix? Not quite what I was hoping for, but at least I could tell everybody I got drafted.


I've lived my life here in the Erie area. I have a daughter (Marygail 31) from a previous marriage. She has kept many artists working at Buddhas and Ink Assassins. After graduating from Mercyhurst College she obtained a job in the Social Security Office here in Erie. Ahhhhh, the luxury of having a government job!


Another daughter, (Rachel 18) graduates from Fort LeBoeuf this year and is headed off to PSU Main Campus this year. She will be pursuing a degree in East Asian Studies with a minor in Mandarin. She has completed two classes of Mandarin Chinese at Gannon University through dual enrollment taking her 1st class while in 10th grade and her 2nd class as a Senior this year. She was secretary of the NHS this year and added a Tiara at Prom time.


My son (Nathaniel 17) is a character. He's in the 10th grade and may be there a while, I really don't know! He is an actor, a musician (keyboard and keytar, bass and some drums) and sings. I don't call it singing, but he does. Hardcore guttural gasping for air is what I would call it. Gad, I sound like my own father did 40 years ago!

My wife of 20 years is Alise (Ah-lease). She was born and raised in Pittsburgh but I have learned not to hold that against her. It wasn’t her choice. Alise homeschooled Rachel through 7th grade and Nate through 6th grade and is now a teacher’s aide at Leadership Christian Academy in Fairview. She has all her teeth, too!

I will be paroled from General Electric after almost 37 years due to good behavior, after which Alise and I will continue to work in ministry being able to give more of our time to that effort.

Well, it’s pretty bad when you can sum up over 40 years into a one page document, but at least we’re still around to do thatJ. It’s been a pleasure to read this blog and find out what’s going on in the lives of so many people we rarely see. Until next time we do, as my son says, “peace out”!

Tom Heinrich


Carl Lindquist said...


I love the way you write. You need to start your own blog, my friend.


Marygail Heinrich :) said...

I feel the need to make a correction...this is Marygail by the way...
I have NOT, repeat NOT gotten any tattoos from Buddhas. Ever. My taattoos are actually done WELL.
Thank you.