Monday, May 3, 2010

Moving to Greensboro

I'll start the personal stuff by saying that Mary Beth and I will be moving to Greensboro, NC over the next seven weeks, from our current location in Lexington, NC (about 40 miles south).  After 33 years of pastoral work in the United Methodist Church, I will begin a year's Sabbatical Leave in July.  This could be a prelude to retirement, or it could be just a break before returning to the church.

In any case, I'm really looking forward to just kicking back for awhile.  I don't know if you can imagine the pressure that comes with having to have a sermon ready to go every Sunday (with just a couple off a year) for 33 years.  Plus all the pastoral care and committee meetings that go along with it.  My well is dry and needs replenishing.

Though we've lived in parsonages for all these years, we did buy a house in Greensboro 23 years ago and have been renting it out all this time.  So that's where we're moving for the time being.  Got quite a bit of work to do to get it ready for us to live in.

Mary Beth will be looking for a teaching job in Guilford County (Elementary), so I'm going to try and be a 'househusband' for a while.  That should be interesting.  Wish me luck.